In this field we have carried out Technical Assistances for Improvement of the Efficiency and Saving of Energetic Consumption in the public lighting system in many, municipalities, Advice and Coordination of the accomplishment of Contracting Sheets for Energetic Services for: Local Governments, preparation of Expressions of Interest for international biddings, besides advice to the Andalusia Regional Ministry of Environment in the area of Action plans for Sustainable EnergyFunding, as well as in the management of the Project of Agreement of the Local Governments Agreement Project Against Climate Change (See our references).
In cogeneration we would like to highlight more than 37 MW executed projects, near 20 MW proceded projects and many studies of viability, near 100 MW.
In Biomass we can be credited for Technical Assistances in Chile (68.7 MW) and India (10 MW), one 8 MW project carried out in Andalusia and several studies of viability (50MW).
In the wind sector we highlight the project execution of 25 MW and the procedures of many projects (over 200 MW).
In the Photovoltaic field we highlight, on ground, more than 11 MW of carried outprojects and over40 MW in processing and technical assistances, and on roofs, projects carried out between 5 kW and 300 kW, and technical assistances and processing 9MW.