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Services of Engineering and Project Management

As an engineering consultancy, the services offered by SENERCO are:

Empresa de servicio Energético y Consultoría

  • Integral Managementof Projects.
  • Development of detailed engineering.
  • Purchases management.
  • Selection of Technology, comparisons.
  • Selection of Suppliers, comparisons.
  • Assembly supervision on site.
  • Works management and support.
  • Plants optimization.
  • Maintenance of plants management.
  • Facilities start-up.
  • Technical advising.
  • Energy audits.
  • Technical – economic viability studies.
  • Procedures and legalization of projects and energetic facilities.

Energetic services

SENERCO offers to his clients solutions of energetic saving based on the business model of an energetic services company. SENERCO has enough experience and financial capacity to undertake the necessary investments and to offer savings to our clients on their energetic costs with no need of investment on their side.

Empresa de servicio Energético y Consultoría

Although our business model can be studied is based on solutions of energetic service with cogeneration; this technologyguarantees us enough flexibility and ability to ensure the service to our clients.